Furutech NCF Clear Line plug

AC power optimizer

NCF socket

Rhodium Alpha contact

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Manufacturer : FURUTECH

319,00 €

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Furutech NCF Clear Line: Characteristics

Furutech's Nano Crystal² Formula (NCF) has given rise to a range of products in recent years. The innovation and efficiency of NCF have been widely proven. NCF consists of a specific crystalline material with two distinct properties: it generates negative ions that eliminate static electricity, and it converts thermal energy into infrared.

Combined with nanometer-sized ceramic particles and carbon powder, these crystals create a formidable electrical and mechanical damping material. Developed by Furutech, NCF is used exclusively in Furutech products and is not found in any other product on the market.


The Furutech NCF Clear Line plug is made of nylon and fiberglass loaded with nanometer-sized ceramic particles and carbon powder, chosen for their damping properties with a piezoelectric effect. Additionally, these materials eliminate static electricity.

The NCF Clear Line developed by Furutech uses enameled wire "α (Alpha)-OCC Air Coils." Each α (Alpha)-OCC air coil in the NCF Clear Line range has been designed to optimize performance by enhancing the material's characteristics.


The NCF Clear Line is an AC optimizer specifically designed for audio use.

Simply plug the NCF Clear Line into the power outlet of your choice. It can be connected to a power strip or a wall outlet. It is recommended to use the NCF Clear Line on the same power line as your audio system.


The improvement in sound reproduction is immediately perceptible. Transparency seems increased, with cleaner high frequencies and more readable midrange.

Overall, the sound appears cleaner and more readable.

It is indeed surprising to notice such an improvement with such a small accessory...



NCF insulator: nylon resin

Contact: Alpha Rhodium

Coils: Alpha OCC

Shielding: NCF antistatic

Case: Nylon resin and NCF carbon fiber case

Dimensions: 102.3 x 39.5 mm

Net weight: 100 g

Customer reviews
(1 review)

Customer reviews



Oui, incroyable si l’on a pas encore écouté son apport. Sceptique de prime abord, j’ai finalement acheté en me disant que je verrais bien à l'écoute... Une fois installé sur la barrette secteur, je sors pour le test deux vinyles que nous connaissons par cœur avec ma femme. Nous écoutons et là c’est comme la sensation d’un « avant/après » : la scène sonore a littéralement poussé les murs et l’espace, le grave est plus présent, l’aigu gagne en finesse, le détourage des instruments et des voix est plus net et mieux focalisé. Bref c’est tout un ensemble conjugué , qui donne une plus grande immersion en 3 D dans la musique, immédiatement. Le tout en gardant la transparence et la neutralité, sans aucune coloration. Décidément, pour 250€ seulement, il y a bien un « avant » et un « après ». Bluffant.

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Furutech NCF Clear Line plug

Furutech NCF Clear Line plug

AC power optimizer

NCF socket

Rhodium Alpha contact